I popped my Scandinavian sandwich cherry in Oslo with a
fantastic smoked salmon on seeded bread. I bit into the dense, chewy bread heavily
crusted with sesame, flax, and sunflower seeds, as my sandwich companion noted
that whole flax acts as an exfoliator for the lower intestine. This is a
definite bonus, as folks in these parts seem to like flax seeds on practically
everything. Under the lid, there are many regular ingredients in the classic Norwegian
sandwich combo, including thick slices of salmon, a spreadable cream cheese
flecked with herbs and pepper (possibly even carrot), plus only slightly wilted greens, and thinly sliced cucumber.
I’d rate this wrap as strange. Its packaging created expectations of a more appetizing experience, which it was not. After a vastly superior egg salad sandwich from London Heathrow, I could not greet this airplane freebie with serious interest, but at least it was hot, and at least I could review it for this blog. Steaming contents were oozy and largely undistinguishable, but suggested some kind of red pepper or sundried tomato origins.